Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Jason & Laura - Engaged!

What a wonderful day we had hiking around downtown Edmonton hitting up a vast array of locations with Jason and Laura. They made the time fly as they had us laughing and posing for pictures - beautiful ones that is.

Take a look and see what I mean:

Jason's sweet, mid-air David Lee Roth kick!

A few from the McKay Avenue School:

Laura looks very interested in Modern Biology:

Monday, June 16, 2008

Daniel & Laura!

Hey everybody! Wow, did we have a great time with Daniel and Laura on their wedding day. The clouds teased us with a little rain and a lot of thunder, but we all, especially Dan & Laura, rode out the semi-storm.

As you'll notice, these two could not keep their eyes off each other, despite the gorgeous scenery and lighting. They took us to Gold Bar Park, which is an amazing location we've never shot at before. We always just turned around after we saw the sewage treatment plants, but this time we drove all the way, and man was it worth it!

Take a look-see, starting with their private outdoor ceremony:

Running down the "aisle":

At the end of the aisle:

A stolen moment at their night ceremony:

Monday, June 02, 2008

Brian and Brandy - the Big Day

We started bright and early in the morning and stuck it out 'til the wee hours of the night to celebrate with this awesome couple. Also, we got a new member to our team, Aadil, and this was the perfect wedding to throw him in head first. Scroll to the end of the post to check out his pic and one of the many sweet shots he took.

And now... the goods:

We love taking foot shots!

Aadil, the rook, at his finest...

One of his gorgeous pics: